Released September of last year, American Assassin is a counter-terrorism thriller based on the novel of the same name by Vince Flynn and directed by Michael Cuesta. The film stars Maze Runner-lead star, Dylan O’Brien as well as Academy Awards nominee Micheal Keaton. However, a star that completely stole the show was one of the most stunning luxury boats in the world, the Itama 62.
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The stunning vessel played a special role in an extraordinary chase scene between O’Brien’s character and the Taylor Kitsch’s villainous character. The former had to jump onto the luxury boat while it was still in motion, resulting in an exciting and adrenaline-fueled moment. The scene was shot on the Lazio coast.
The 19-meter speedboat was built in Italy as a part of the Ferretti’s extensive range. Due to its twin MAN V12 engines, the luxury boat is able to reach a top speed of 40 knots. Itama 62 can accommodate up to six guests throughout three cabins. Itama 62 was designed by architect Marco Casali. American Assassin grossed a total of 36 million dollars.
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Source: DriveMag Boats